Special Collections
To help you find your perfect retreat we have assembled our properties into categories with their own unique selling points in mind. Whether you are looking for a cosy hideaway cottage for two or a big house with coastal views to accommodate the whole family we have you covered. Our selection of properties ranges from budget friendly to luxury we like to think we have something for everyone. We also have a section of pet friendly cottages for our furry friends. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Give us a call on 01263 74177 our experienced team know our cottages well and will be able to assist you in finding the right cottage for you.

North Norfolk is renowned for its varied and spectacular coastline, fantastic wildlife, miles of glorious beaches, seaside communities and a beautiful hinterland of rolling countryside, stately homes and picturesque market towns & villages.
North Norfolk, home to the Deep History Coast, has a unique coastline of unspoilt, award-winning beaches. Head inland to the countryside with its rich agricultural roots and discover market towns and villages, home to eateries serving locally sourced seasonal dishes, shops and artisans. There are museums, stately homes and places of cultural and historical interest to explore. Set in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, The Broads National Park and nature reserves of international importance, north Norfolk is a haven for wildlife and birds, and great for walking. As Norfolk is the driest county in the UK, it’s perfect to visit all year round.
Not forgetting Cromer, with its iconic Victorian pier and the country’s last end-of-pier theatre. North Norfolk must be the birdwatching capital of the UK, and you can even take a boat trip to see our seal colony at Blakeney Point.